Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE106369: The histone acetyl-tranferase MOF is required for metabolic function in the liver .

Bulk RNA sequencing

Purpose: Conditional MOF deletion in mouse livers resulted in acute hepatic necrosis. The goal of this study was to identify transcriptomic changes in the livers of MOF-depeleted mice livers compared to WT.; Methods: Transcriptomic profiles of MOF and WT mouse livers were generated in triplicate. Sequenced reads were quality filtered using Trimmomatic. Quality reads were aligned to the mouse genome using TopHat2. Reads were counted using htseq-count and differentially expressed transcripts were identified using DESeq.; Results: 1408 differentially expressed genes were identified between MOF and WT livers. 774 genes were down-regulated in MOF and primarilly associated with metabolic pathways. Branched chain amino acid and fatty acid metabolic pathways, which are deregulated in non-alcoholic fattly liver disease (NAFLD) prgression were down-regulated. 664 genes were upregulated and associated with increased proliferation.; Conclusions: These data show that MOF is required for maintaining proper metabolic function in the liver and deregulation of MOF may be involved in progression of NAFLD. SOURCE: Aaron,David,denDekker ( - 5215 Med Sci I University of Michigan

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