
Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE105169: DHX36 resolves G-rich structures in mRNA untranslated region to allow their translation [ChrRNA-seq]

Bulk RNA sequencing

DHX36 is a ATP-dependent, 3-5 RNA helicase of the DEAH family. Previous publications reported this helicase to associate with AU-rich elements and to specifically unwind G-quadruplex structures. Here, we performed RNA-seq in triplicats of HEK293 wildtype cells and DHX36-KO-HEK293 cells to identify changes in RNA abundance upon presence or absence of this helicase. After sequencing and mapping to the human genome at nucleotide-resolution level we analysed the mRNA abundance of target mRNAs, identified in this study (see PAR-CLIP). Our analyses show that binding of DHX36 to 3UTRS of target mRNAs significantly reduce their abundance. SOURCE: Markus Sauer (markus.sauer@stud-mail.uni-wuerzburg.de) - University of Würzburg

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