Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE149124: RNAseq for CDK7 brown adipose tissue specific knockout mice under room temperature and 6 hrs cold exposure.

Bulk RNA sequencing

Purpose: The goal of this study are to compare global gene expression profile in brown adipose tissue in Cdk7 bKO and WT control mice at both RT and after 6 hours cold exposure; Methods: Interscapular BAT pads were taken from 12-week-old CDK7 bKO and control littermates either at room temperature or after 6 hours of cold exposure with food. Mice were sacrificed at zeitgeber time 9. Total RNA was extracted with TRI Reagent (Sigma). Two RNA samples from two mice with same genotype and condition were pool together (each 250 ng) to constitute 500 ng of total RNA from biological triplicates (three WT-RT, three CDK7 bKO-RT, three WT-cold, and three CDK7 bKO-cold) for sequencing.; Results: Reads were also aligned to the Mus musculus.GRCm38.86 transcriptome using STAR (v. 2.5.2b, Dobin et al. 2013) and the estimation of the isoforms abundance was computed using RSEM (v. 1.2.31, Li and Dewey 2011).; Conclusions: Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified between genotype and treatment. SOURCE: Rene Dreos ( - Gatfield Lab UNIL

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