Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE104840: LSD1-mediated enhancer silencing enables endocrine cell development through attenuation of retinoic acid signaling

Bulk RNA sequencing

Developmental progression depends on temporally defined changes in gene expression mediated by transient exposure of lineage intermediates to signals in the progenitor niche. To identify a possible contribution of cell-intrinsic epigenetic mechanisms to signal-induced transcriptional responses, we manipulated the signaling environment and activity of the histone demethylase LSD1 during stepwise differentiation of gut tube intermediates into pancreatic endocrine cells. Analysis of enhancer and transcriptome landscapes revealed that lineage progression and endocrine cell differentiation requires LSD1-mediated silencing of transiently active retinoic acid (RA)-induced enhancers. In the absence of LSD1, early RA-responsive enhancers remain partially active despite RA removal, resulting in perduring expression of RA-induced genes, and failure to progress in development. Our findings identify LSD1-mediated enhancer silencing as a cell-intrinsic epigenetic feedback mechanism by which the duration of the transcriptional response to a developmental signal is limited. Given LSD1s requirement in numerous developmental contexts, the here-described mechanism would be broadly relevant. SOURCE: Maike Sander ( - UC San Diego

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