Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE133019: Whole genome transcriptome of in vivo Treg cells and ex vivo TGF-beta induced Treg cells from WT and Aim2 knockout mice

Bulk RNA sequencing

To understand the whole genome transcriptome of in vivo Treg cells and ex vivo TGF-beta induced Treg cells from WT and Aim2 knockout mice, the total RNA was extracted from indicated Treg cells using the Direct-zol miniprep kit (Zymo Research, R2060). The RNA samples were firstly enriched by Oligo(dT) magnetic beads and used to construct BGISEQ-500 libraries. RNA-seq libraries sequenced using the 50bp single-end protocol (in vivo isolated Treg cells) or 100bp paired-end protocol (TGF- induced Treg cells) via the BGISEQ-500 sequencer per the manufacturers protocol. After filtering of adaptors and low quality reads, clean reads (>26 Million reads per sample for in vivo isolated Treg cells and >40 Million reads per sample for TGF- induced Treg cells) are mapped to mouse reference genome using HISAT /Bowtie2 tool. Mapping results are stored in BAM files using SAMtools. Total read counts in gene level were summarized using featureCounts function in the Rsubread in R environment, with the R package biomaRt for gene and transcripts mapping. The differential expression (DE) genes were analyzed by DESeq2 package with default setting using total read counts as input, and the adjusted p value (padj) less than 0.05. SOURCE: Zengli Guo ( - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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