
Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE62288: A Novel Population of Human Cardiac Resident Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Bulk RNA sequencing

We describe a novel population of human adult cardiac resident stem cells (CRSCs), which are positive for W8B2 antigen, originating from human adult atrial appendages. W8B2+ CRSCs exhibit a spindle-shaped morphology, are clonogenic and able to self-renew. W8B2+ CRSCs show high expression of mesenchymal but not hematopoietic nor endothelial markers. W8B2+ CRSCs expressed GATA4, HAND2, and TBX5, but not C-KIT, SCA-1, NKX2.5, PDGFR, ISL1 or Wilms tumor gene-1 (WT1). W8B2+ CRSCs can differentiate into the cardiovascular lineages and secrete various cytokines. SOURCE: Alex Hewitt (hewitt.alex@gmail.com) - CERA University of Melbourne

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