Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE120233: BRD9 defines a novel SWI/SNF sub-complex and constitutes a specific vulnerability in malignant rhabdoid tumors [RNA-seq]

Bulk RNA sequencing

Bromodomain-containing protein 9 (BRD9) was recently identified to be associated with the chromatin remodeling SWI/SNF(BAF) complex, yet its function within the complex has remained unclear. Here, using genome-scale CRISPR-Cas9 screens, we found that BRD9 constitutes a specific vulnerability in highly malignant pediatric rhabdoid tumors, which are driven by inactivating mutations of SMARCB1 subunit of SWI/SNF complexes. Surprisingly, we found that BRD9 does not belong to the previously identified BAF or PBAF complexes, but instead is found exclusively in a novel of SWI/SNF sub-complex. We show that BRD9-containing complexes lack SMARCB1, which had previously been considered a core subunit present in all SWI/SNF variants. We recently demonstrated that both SMARCB1-containing and ARID1A-containing SWI/SNF complexes preferentially function at enhancers, but here we show that BRD9-containing complexes are located at active promoters as well as enhancers. We show that loss of SMARCB1, as observed in rhabdoid tumors, results in increased BRD9 interaction with SWI/SNF core subunit SMARCC1, consistent with competition between SMARCB1 and BRD9 in the formation of SWI/SNF complexes. Underlying the dependency, we demonstrate that BRD9, via its DUF3512 domain, is essential for maintaining the integrity of its sub-complex, which predominates in the absence of SMARCB1. Taken together, our results reveal a BRD9-containing SWI/SNF subcomplex which is required for the survival of SMARCB1-mutant rhabdoid tumors. SOURCE: Peter,J,Park ( - Harvard Medical School

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