Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE83373: The Zinc Finger Transcription Factor Sp9 Is Required for the Development of Striatopallidal Projection Neurons

Bulk RNA sequencing

Purpose: To assess changes in gene expression profiles from the P0 littermate Sp9Flox/Flox control striatum (including SVZ) and conditional mutant striatum of Drd2-Cre; Sp9Flox/Flox mice.; Methods: total RNA was isolated and sequenced from the striatum of the P0 littermate Sp9Flox/Flox control or conditional mutant striatum of Drd2-Cre; Sp9Flox/Flox mice in triplicate using an Illumina high-seq 2500. Raw data was analyzed using TopHat. Genes were considered changed which demonstrated fold-change>=2, and p value <=0.05. Changed genes were then filtered to reveal Sp9 downstream targets which were altered in vivo due to the loss of Sp9 expression.; Results: 179 genes were significantly increased and 147 genes were significantly decreased in expression level due to the loss of Sp9 expression. SOURCE: Zhengang Yang ( - Fudan University

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