Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE73579: Illumina Human Polycystic Liver Disease and Normal Biliary Stem Cell RNAseq

Bulk RNA sequencing

Background & aims: Polycystic liver disease (PLD) is an autosomal dominantly inherited disorder caused by mutations in genes such as PRKCSH and SEC63. It has been thought that cysts develop from biliary progenitor cells due to loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH), leading to aberrant proliferation or defects in differentiation. Cyst expansion can be suppressed by somatostatin analogues such as lanreotide. There is no human in vitro model available that truly recapitulates polycystic liver disease. We hypothesize that PLD progenitors can form bipotent liver organoids that carry key features of cyst development. To find gene expression differences between Human Polycystic Liver Disease and Normal Biliary Stem Cells.; Methods: Cells from normal biliary duct (n=6), cyst biliary epithelium (n=60) and cyst fluid (n=31) were isolated and placed under conditions suitable for expansion of human adult liver stem cells. We analyzed genetic LOH, gene expression, differentiation capacity, response to lanreotide and cilium formation of these organoids.; Results: Cholangiocytes from cyst biliary epithelium (47/60) and cyst fluid (9/31) proved capable of expanding as bipotent liver organoids. Multiple cyst organoids displayed LOH surrounding PRKCSH or SEC63 regions. Organoids formed cilia when proliferation was inhibited. Neither hepatocyte nor biliary differentiation of PLD organoids was impaired. RNAseq revealed no significantly dysregulated pathway in PLD organoids. Lanreotide significantly decreased expansion of liver organoids in comparison to negative control (197% 46% versus 547% 28%; p: 0.038).; Conclusion & discussion: Biliary progenitor cells from patient cyst epithelium and fluid can expand into liver organoids. They recapitulate key characteristics of PLD, and are a promising human in vitro model for research, diagnostics and treatment of polycystic liver diseases and cholangiociliopathies. SOURCE: Edgar Wills ( - RadboudUMC

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