Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE77744: Essential role of the transcription factors E2A and E2-2 in germinal center B cell and plasma cell development

Bulk RNA sequencing

E2A is an essential regulator of early B-cell development. Here we demonstrated that E2A together with E2-2 controlled germinal-center B-cell and plasma cell development. As shown by identification of regulated E2A,E2-2 targets in activated B-cells, these E-proteins directly activated genes with important functions in germinal-center B-cells and plasma cells by inducing or maintaining DNase I hypersensitive sites. Through controlling multiple enhancers in the Igh 3 regulatory region and Aicda locus, E-proteins regulated class switching by inducing both Igh germline transcription and AID expression. By regulating 3 Igk enhancers and a distal element at the Prdm1 (Blimp1) locus, E-proteins contributed to Igk, Igh and Prdm1 activation in plasmablasts. These data identified E2A and E2-2 as central regulators of B-cell immunity. SOURCE: Markus Jaritz ( - Busslinger IMP

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