Pluto Bioinformatics
GSE94860: YAP/TAZ as new regulatory hub of VEGF signaling [RNA]
Bulk RNA sequencing
VEGF is a major driver of blood vessel formation.; However, the signal transduction pathways culminating into the biological consequences of VEGF signaling are partially understood.; Here we show that the Hippo pathway effectors YAP and TAZ, work as a regulatory hub in mediating VEGF-VEGFR2 signaling during angiogenesis.; We demonstrate that YAP/TAZ are essential for vascular development as endothelium specific deletion of YAP/TAZ leads to impaired vascularization and embryonic lethality.; Mechanistically, we show that VEGF activates YAP/TAZ via its effects on actin cytoskeleton remodeling, and that activated YAP/TAZ induce a transcriptional program that results in the expression of a set of genes to further control cytoskeleton dynamics, and thus ensure a proper angiogenic response.; YAP/TAZ deletion also results in VEGFR2 trafficking defects from the Golgi to the plasma membrane.; Together, our study establishes YAP/TAZ as a central regulatory hub that mediates VEGF signaling, and hence, regulates angiogenesis. SOURCE: Carmen Ruiz de Almodovar Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center (BZH)