Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE101767: Exome sequencing analysis of murine medulloblastoma models identifies Wdr11 as a potential tumor suppressor in Group 3 tumors

Bulk RNA sequencing

We previoiusly identified WDR11 as a potential tumor suppressor in murine medulloblastoma models. To determine additional genes/pathways affected by WDR11 overexpression.To compare somatic mutations of murine models with human medulloblastoma (MB), we performed whole-exome sequencing of mouse tumors representing three distinct MB subgroups: Wnt, Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) and Group 3 (G3). 64 somatic mutations were identified and validated, including 40 predicted to cause amino acid changes. After filtering and cross-species analysis with 366 human MBs from four independent studies, human orthologs for 16 of the 40 mouse genes were found to harbor non-silent mutations in human MB. Loss-of-function Mll2 mutations detected in one mouse tumor were previously reported in 30 of 366 human MBs. In mice with G3 MB, one mouse that died at least 15 days earlier than the others had four novel candidate genes harboring non-silent somatic mutations, Lrfn2, Smyd1, Ubn2 and Wdr11. To test whether these genes had tumor suppressive activity, we constitutively overexpressed each wild type gene in murine G3 tumorspheres followed by intracranial implantation. Mice harboring mouse G3 MB overexpressing WDR11 showed extended survival compared to the other three genes. Genes in the KEGG WNT signaling pathway, including Ccnd1/2/3, Myc and Tcf7l1, were down-regulated in G3 MB tumorspheres overexpressing WDR11, consistent with reduced tumor progression. In conclusion, we demonstrated that common spontaneous mutations were shared between human and murine models of MB suggesting similar molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis, and identified WDR11 as a protein with tumor suppressive activity in G3 MB. SOURCE: Lei Wei (lei.wei@roswellpark.rog) - Roswell Park Cancer Institute

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