Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE113876: CD47 in the tumor microenvironment and CD47 antibody blockade regulate natural killer cell recruitment and activation

Bulk RNA sequencing

Elevated CD47 expression in some cancers is associated with decreased survival and limits phagocytic clearance by engaging its counter-receptor SIRP, but elevated CD47 mRNA expression in human melanomas is associated with improved survival. Gene expression data suggested that recruitment of natural killer (NK) cells, which highly express CD47, into the tumor microenvironment contribute to this correlation. The CD47 ligand thrombospondin-1 inhibited wildtype but not Cd47-/- murine NK cell proliferation and granzyme B and interferon- expression in vitro. Cd47-/- NK cells correspondingly showed augmented effector phenotypes. Although, wildtype and Cd47-/- NK cells were equally effective for killing B16 melanoma cells in vitro, Cd47-/- mice exhibited enhanced B16 tumor growth in vivo. Consistent with the human data, tumor-bearing Cd47-/- mice had decreased splenic NK numbers with impaired effector protein expression and elevated exhaustion markers. A pro-apoptotic signature in Cd47-/- NK cells was associated with stress-mediated elevation of mitochondrial proton leak, increased reactive oxygen species and apoptosis. Gene expression profiling identified CD47-dependent transcriptional responses in in NK cells from tumor-bearing mice that regulate systemic NK activation and exhaustion. Treating wildtype mice with a CD47 antibody that blocks thrombospondin-1 binding delayed tumor growth and was associated with increased NK recruitment and increased granzyme B- and interferon- levels in intratumoral NK but not CD8+ T cells. Therefore, CD47 in the tumor microenvironment regulates NK-mediated tumor immunity, and therapeutic blockade enhances NK immune function. SOURCE: David,D.,Roberts ( - Laboratory of Pathology National Institutes of Health

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