Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE116073: Specific modulation of HIV RNA splicing and upregulation of anti-inflammatory miR-124 by the new drug candidate ABX464

Bulk RNA sequencing

Purpose: To ensure that ABX464 acted specifically on HIV splicing and did not significantly or globally affect the splicing events of human genes, we used a high-throughput RNAseq approach. Many genome-wide expression studies of HIV infection are based on analyses of total peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), which consist of over a dozen cell subsets, including T cells, B cells, NK cells and monocytes; Methods: The CD4 T cells were uninfected or infected with the YU2 strain and were untreated or treated for 6 days with ABX464, followed by high-throughput RNAseq. Each raw dataset of the samples contained between 44 and 105 million single-end reads (50 bp), with an average of approximately 60 million raw reads per sample; Results: Approximately 98% of the total raw reads were mapped to the human genome sequence (GRCh38), giving an average of 60 million human reads per sample for further analyses. The reads that were correctly mapped (approximately 98% of total input reads) to the gene and transcript locations (GTF annotation file); Conclusions: The MDS of our gene expression data showed, without any outliers, that the different donors segregated well and distributed into the DMSO (untreated) and ABX464 treatments that were infected or uninfected. The displayed variance was donor-dependent (clustered by donor) but treatment-independent (no data structure related to the different treatments), which suggests that the ABX464 molecule did not induce a major difference in CD4 T cell gene expression. SOURCE: Jamal Tazi ( - Institut de génétique moléculaire de Montpellier CNRS

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