Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE88927: Modeling signaling-dependent pluripotent cell states with boolean logic can predict cell fate transitions [II]

Bulk RNA sequencing

Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) exist in multiple stable states, each with specific cellular properties and molecular signatures. The process by which pluripotency is either maintained or destabilized to initiate specific developmental programs is poorly understood. We have developed a model to predict stabilized PSC gene regulatory network (GRN) states in response to combinations of input signals. While previous attempts to model PSC fate have been limited to static cell compositions, our approach enables simulations of dynamic heterogeneity by combining an Asynchronous Boolean Simulation (ABS) strategy with simulated single cell fate transitions using a Strongly Connected Components (SCCs). This computational framework was applied to a reverse-engineered and curated core GRN for mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) to simulate responses to LIF, Wnt/-catenin, FGF/ERK, BMP4, and Activin A/Nodal pathway activation. For these input signals, our simulations exhibit strong predictive power for gene expression patterns, cell population composition, and nodes controlling cell fate transitions. The model predictions extend into early PSC differentiation, demonstrating, for example, that a Cdx2-high/Oct4-low state can be efficiently generated from mESCs residing in a nave and signal-receptive state sustained by combinations of signaling activators and inhibitors. SOURCE: Peter Zandstra ( - University of Toronto

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