Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE109214: SCNT embryos are defective for H3K27me3 imprinting [RNA-seq]

Bulk RNA sequencing

Animal cloning can be achieved through somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), yet the success rate remains very low. Recent studies have revealed two epigenetic barriers, H3K9me3 in donor cells and abnormal Xist activation, that impede SCNT reprogramming. Here we overcome both barriers by combining the use of Xist knockout donor cells and overexpressing Kdm4d, which allowed us to achieve the highest mouse cloning efficiency. However, SCNT-associated developmental defects and abnormal placenta were still observed, suggesting the existence of additional epigenetic defects in these SCNT embryos. Comparative DNA methylome analysis of IVF and SCNT blastocysts identified many abnormally methylated regions in SCNT embryos, despite successful global methylome reprogramming. Strikingly, allelic transcriptome analyses of SCNT blastocysts revealed a complete loss-of-imprinting at the H3K27me3-dependent imprinted genes, which may account for postimplantation developmental defects of SCNT embryos. This study thus not only provides the most efficient method for mouse cloning but also points the way for further improve SCNT cloning. SOURCE: Li Shen ( - Shenlab Life Sciences Institute, Zhejiang University

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