Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE135799: Simple differentiation method using FBS identifies DUSP6 as a marker for fine-tuning of FGF-ERK signaling activity in human pluripotent stem cells

Bulk RNA sequencing

Assessment of differentiation potential is a basic requirement to obtain qualified human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). Here, we report a simple differentiation method using fetal bovine serum (FBS) to estimate differentiation potential and propensity of hPSCs. PluriTest using RNA-sequencing showed that cells differentiated after treatment with 5% FBS. Expression patterns of three germ layer markers revealed that cells cultured in Knockout Serum Replacement-containing medium (KSR) with mouse feeder cells had higher differentiation potential than cells cultured in a chemically defined medium (E8) with recombinant matrix proteins, especially into the mesoderm and endoderm lineages. Analysis of differentially expressed genes between KSR and E8 identified DUSP6 as a marker for where cells had been cultured. Expression of DUSP6 correlated with FGF-ERK signaling activity. Fine-tuning of FGF-ERK signaling activity to a range that can shut down DUSP6 transcription but sustain NANOG transcription partially increased the differentiation potential. Our data suggest that differentiation with 5% FBS is good to estimate differentiation potential and propensity at the early stage, and that DUSP6 is an excellent marker to monitor ERK signaling activity. SOURCE: Yong-Ou Kim ( - Korea National Institute of Health

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