Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE87848: RNA-seq analysis of livers of C57BL/6 mice upon antagomiR-122 and CL316243 treatment

Bulk RNA sequencing

Purpose: miR-122 plays a role in lipid metabolism in the liver. The goal of this study is to search for additional metabolic pathways in which miR-122 is involved. Methods: mice were administered with antagomiR-122 (to inhibit miR-122) or antagomiR-control together with CL316243 ( 3-adrenergic receptor agonist, which causes TG hydrolysis to FFAs). Liver mRNAS were generated from 4 mice in each group by deep sequencing using Illumina Nextseq 500 System. The sequence reads that passed quality filters were analyzed with TopHat followed by Cufflinks. The Ingenuity IPA and GeneAnalytics analysis were performed to untangle the biological processes involving the differentially expressed genes. Results: Cufflink algorithm revealed that 182 genes were differentially expressed in the mice livers. According to IPA analysis, the circadian rhythm pathway and adipogenesis were significantly disrupted. Conclutions: Inhibition of miR-122 Activates Several Metabolic Pathways Which Regulate Hepatic Triglycerides Synthesis and Storage SOURCE: chofit chai ( - hadassah

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