Pluto Bioinformatics
GSE96779: mRNA expression profile of A549 cells and MSR-A549 cells with or without JQ1 treatment
Bulk RNA sequencing
To establish effective multitargeted KRAS pathway therapy, we analyzed mediators of acquired resistance to chronic momelotinib and MEK inhibitor exposure in A549 cells. Since inhibitor resistance was completely reversible after drug withdrawal for several passages, suggesting epigenetic reprogramming, we investigated whole mRNA expression profiles in A549, momelotinib and selumetinib resistant (MSR)-A549 cells and MSR-A549 cells following drug withdrawal for 10 days. In parallel, we also examined mRNA expression profiles of MSR-A549 cells treated with the BET inhibitor JQ1, to identify specific targets regulated by H3K27 acetylation. SOURCE: Hideo Watanabe ( - Hideo Watanabe Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai