Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE122900: Von Hippel-Lindau Acts as a Metabolic Switch Controlling Nephron Progenitor Differentiation

Bulk RNA sequencing

RNA sequencing was performed on VHLNP+/- and VHLNP-/- E17.5 isolated nephron progenitors. E17.5 kidneys were dissected and screened using the GFP expression. Dissected kidneys that expressed GFP were dissociated into single cell suspensions and FACS sorted; each sample consisted of approximately 150,000 pooled nephron progenitor cells. RNA was extracted using the RNeasy Micro Kit (Qiagen). The Health Sciences Sequencing Core at Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh performed library construction and RNA sequencing (single-end reads, 75bp). Bioinformatics quality control was performed using FastQC (version 0.11.5), and adapters were trimmed using BBDuk from the BBMap software package (version 37.41). Reads were aligned to transcripts assembled from the mm10 genome (GRCm38, GENCODE M17 ) using the Spliced Transcripts Alignments to a Reference software package (STAR, version 2.5.3a). Reads aligned to known transcripts were counted using the Bioconductor GenomicAlignments R package (version 1.10.1), and differential expression between VHLNP+/- and VHLNP-/- kidney samples was calculated using DESeq2 (version 1.18.1). Expression levels of 245 genes were identified as significantly altered between VHLNP+/- and VHLNP-/- samples (padj <= 0.05, fc > 2). SOURCE: Andrew,Scott,Clugston ( - Ho/Kostka University of Pittsburgh

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