Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE108546: Single-cell RNA-seq reveals differentiation of bona fide human pDCs and cDC1s in cultures of cord blood CD34+ progenitors, and a newly identified terminal differentiation step of cDC1s

Bulk RNA sequencing

CD34+ cord blood hematopoietic progenitors were expanded in vitro as previously described (Balan et al., J Immunol, 2014) and then differentiated on a mixed feeder layer of OP9 cells expressing or not the Notch ligand Delta-like 1, with FLT3-L, TPO and IL-7. At the end of the cultures, single live Lin- HLA-DR+ cells were index sorted in 96-well plates containing lysis buffer, and snap frozen. Four putative cell types were sorted according to their expression patterns of key combinations of cell surface markers: putative pDCs, putative cDC1s, putative pre-cDC2s and putative cDC2s. Single cell RNA-sequencing libraries were subsequently generated for 90 single cells and 6 control wells using an adaptation of Smart-Seq2 (Villani et al., Science, 2017). Cells were sequenced at a depth of 1-3M reads/cell. SOURCE: Thien-Phong Vu Manh CIML

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