Pluto Bioinformatics

GSE110620: REVERSIR platform for the tailored control of GalNAc-siRNA conjugate pharmacology

Bulk RNA sequencing

Primary mouse hepatocytes were treated with 1 nM TTR-siRNA and 10 nM scrambled or TTR-REVERSIR by in vitro free uptake for 24 h. RNA extracted with the Purelink RNA kit (ThermoFisher) was used for cDNA library preparation with the TruSeq Stranded Total RNA Library Prep Kit (Illumina) and sequenced on the NextSeq500 desktop sequencer (Illumina), all according to manufacturers instructions. Raw RNA-seq reads were filtered with minimal mean quality scores of 25 and minimal remaining length of 36, using fastq-mcf. Filtered reads were aligned to the Mus musculus genome (NCBIM37) using STAR with default parameters. Uniquely aligned reads were counted by featureCounts. Differential gene expression (DEG) analysis was performed by the R package DESeq2.; Here, we report the rapid and potent reversal of GalNAc-siRNA-mediated RNAi activity in vivo with REVERSIR technology, which is based on short, synthetic high-affinity oligonucleotide complementary to the siRNA guide strand. The modular, sequence-specific nature of the REVERSIR platform has the potential to enhance the therapeutic profile of any long-acting GalNAc-siRNA conjugate to enable fine-tuned control of RNAi pharmacology SOURCE: Joseph Barry ( - Alnylam Pharmaceuticals

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